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Service Description: NOAA's Office of Coast Survey is responsible for planning hydrographic surveys. Planned hydrographic surveys are derived from NOAA's Hydrographic survey priorities, constituent requests submitted through navigational managers, and other factors. The "planned" hydrographic surveys REST service at provides access to the "planned survey areas".
All Layers and Tables Has Versioned Data: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: NOAA's Office of Coast Survey is responsible for planning hydrographic surveys. Planned hydrographic surveys are derived from NOAA's Hydrographic survey priorities, constituent requests submitted through navigational managers, and other factors. The "planned" hydrographic surveys REST service at provides access to the "planned survey areas".
Copyright Text: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Office of Coast Survey (OCS)
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: -9332505.787515199
YMin: 2523916.6503785397
XMax: -8285621.161919652
YMax: 5494903.018879004
Spatial Reference: 3395
Full Extent:
XMin: -2.0037507067161843E7
YMin: -1674533.9318675336
XMax: 2.0037507067161843E7
YMax: 1.239826119102057E7
Spatial Reference: 3395
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: NOAA Planned Hydrographic Survey Areas
Comments: NOAA's Office of Coast Survey is responsible for planning hydrographic surveys. Planned hydrographic surveys are derived from NOAA's Hydrographic survey priorities, constituent requests submitted through navigational managers, and other factors. The "planned" hydrographic surveys REST service at provides access to the "planned survey areas".
Subject: Planned NOAA Hydrographic Survey Areas (3-year outlook for use in SeaSketch)
Keywords: NOAA,OCS,HSD,NSD,NRT,planned survey areas,Coast Survey,nautical charting,hydrography,planned surveys
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : false
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
Extract Changes